
Shri Kirtichandra Rout
Office: 003862-232754
Email ID: sdjgc1993(at)gmail(dot)com / sdjgc1993(at)yahoo(dot)in

While trying to achieve the scholarly goals of its higher and nobler purposes, formal education must cater to the changing requirement of the job market; and, more so because of the growing use of information and communication technology (ICT) in almost all spheres of human activity. The problem of unemployment of the late 1980’s and for most part of the 1990’s has relatively diminished in the late 2000 onwards with the private sector assuming to itself a much greater role as employment provider, howsoever reluctant it might appear. As a natural corollary, competition would be, and it has been, fiercer. Managing to get a job now is rather easy than being able to retain it. The prevailing education system in the country churns out graduates with little visibly employable skills. Different entitites in various fields do come up with making all kinds of tall promises to equip the learner with employable skills. This is where the learner has to be alert and choose the institution and career that is most suited to one’s personality.
The newly introduced Semester System would require round the year constant and continuous teaching-learning and evaluation. Both the teacher and the learner shall have little time to sit back and relax. One can hardly afford to limiting oneself to mere completion of syllabus. The focal point of classroom interaction must go beyond memorization-retention and include application of the knowledge one acquired.
The students and the Faculty find it challenging and often without easy answers. But all agree that this is where they wanted to be; and, this is what they need to be doing. These are the right questions, even when the search for ever better answers will always be there; it is exciting, for sure, to be a part of this journey, something so substantive and so practical. Lets’ strive for a better tomorrow. Yes, together we can.
Vice Principal
Shri Nihar Ranjan Deka
Office: 03862-230230
Mobile: 9485200990
Email ID: niharranjandeka(at)gmail(dot)com / vp(at)sdjaingirlscollege(dot)com
The dream of every student who pursues higher education, S D Jain Girls, College is one of the most sought after destinations in Nagaland. Our alumni who are the flag barterers of this institution have managed to carve a niche for themselves in their chosen field serving in different capacities in India and abroad. Having said so, it is notable that mere pursuance of higher education is not enough. In today’s world of globalization owing to knowledge explosion and technological advancement, a mere degree is worth a piece of paper of academic recognition and not necessarily linked with the ability to face the complexities of life. To sustain in this world of cut throat competition, inculcation of extraordinary skills is imperative. One must develop professionalism, adaptability, reliability, positive attitude, self confidence, self motivation, leadership and managerial skills to survive in the job market. Our college, since its inception, has endeavoured to cherish such values to make the student adjustable, responsible and employable. The nimble handed faculty members are the pillars of this institution committed to take it to the greatest height. You must be a part of this noble venture to see the difference. Let’s strive together for a better tomorrow.